Benefits Information
Health Insurance
Medical Plans
Benefit Plan Summaries
Detailed Benefit Plan Document (SPD)-Premium, Preferred, Economy
Detailed Benefit Plan Document (SPD)-HDHP
Contribution Rates
2025 Active Medical Rates
2025 Retiree Medical Rates
Medical Customer Service Information
Group Number | 3333570 |
Customer Service Number | Claim Administrator – 1-800-244-6224 |
Mailing Address | Claim Administrator: CIGNA Healthcare, Inc. P.O. Box 5200 Scranton, PA 18505-5200Plan Administrator: Bi-State Development 211 North Broadway, Suite 700-Mailstop 125 St. Louis, MO 63102 |
Web Site | |
Prescription Drug Plan
Benefit Plan Summary
Detailed Benefit Plan Document (SPD) – Employees & Retirees < Age 65
Detailed Benefit Plan Document (Evidence of Coverage) – Retirees > Age 65
Prescription Drug Plan Customer Service (Employees & Retirees < 65)
Group Number | DTH |
Customer Service Number | Claim Administrator – 1-866-509-9660 |
Mailing Address | Claim Administrator: Express Scripts, Inc. P.O. Box 66773 St. Louis, MO 63166-9742Plan Administrator: Bi-State Development 211 North Broadway, Suite 700-Mailstop 125 St. Louis, MO 63102 |
Web Site | |
Prescription Drug Plan Customer Service (Retirees > 65)
Group Number | KKP |
Customer Service Number | Claim Administrator – 1-888-806-4889 |
Mailing Address | Claim Administrator: Express Scripts, Inc. Attn: Med-D Accounts P.O. Box 66752 St. Louis, MO 63166-9742Plan Administrator: Bi-State Development 211 North Broadway, Suite 700-Mailstop 125 St. Louis, MO 63102 |
Web Site | |
Dental Plans
Benefit Plan Summary
Detailed Benefit Plan Document (SPD)
Contribution Rates
Dental Customer Service
Group Number | 7614 |
Customer Service Number | Claim Administrator – 1-800-335-8266 |
Mailing Address | Claim Administrator: Delta Dental of MO P.O. Box 8690 St. Louis, MO 63126Plan Administrator: Bi-State Development 211 North Broadway, Suite 700-Mailstop 125 St. Louis, MO 63102 |
Web Site | |
Vision Plan
Benefit Plan Summary
Detailed Benefit Plan Document (SPD)
Contribution Rates
Vision Customer Service
Group Number | 9800608 |
Customer Service Number | Claim Administrator – 1-800-521-3605 |
Mailing Address | Claim Administrator: Eye Med Vision Care Attn: OON Claims, P.O. Box 8504 Mason, OH 45040-7111Plan Administrator: Bi-State Development 211 North Broadway, Suite 700-Mailstop 125 St. Louis, MO 63102 |
Web Site | |
What is COBRA?
COBRA is an acronym for the federal law, the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985.
The law is designed to allow eligible employees and/or their covered dependents to continue certain health-related group benefits when coverage is lost for a number of reasons.
Contribution Rates
COBRA Customer Service Information
Group Number | None. |
Customer Service Number | Claim Administrator – 314-909-6979 or 1-800-631-3539 (Press 1 Cobra) (Press 2 FSA balance) (Press 4 customer service) |
Mailing Address | Claim Administrator: 10805 Sunset Office Dr., Ste 401 St. Louis, MO 63127Plan Administrator: N/A |
Web Site | |
Salaried Flexible Spending Plan
Benefit Plan Summary
Detailed Benefit Plan Document (SPD)
Salaried Flexible Spending Customer Service
Group Number | None |
Customer Service Number | Claim Administrator – 314-909-6979 or 1-800-631-3539 (Press 1 Cobra) (Press 2 FSA balance) (Press 4 customer service) |
Mailing Address | Claim Administrator: 10805 Sunset Office Dr., Ste 401 St. Louis, MO 63127 Plan Administrator: N/A |
Web Site | |
Employee Assistance Program
Employee Assistance Program Customer Service
Group Number | metrostlouis |
Customer Service Number | Claim Administrator – 1-877-622-4327 |
Mailing Address | Claim Administrator: N/APlan Administrator: N/A |
Web Site | |
Other Insurance Benefits
Life Insurance
Disability Benefits
Standard Insurance Company – Short Term Disability (STD – Salaried)
Standard Insurance Company – Long Term Disability (LTD – Salaried)
Accident and Sickness Information (A&S – ATU 788 Operations, Maintenance, Clerical, and Call-A-Ride)
Accident and Sickness Forms (A&S — ATU 788 Operations, Maintenance, Clerical, and Call-A-Ride)
Disability Pension (ATU 788 – Operations, Maintenance, Clerical)
Group Voluntary Benefits
Unum Whole Life (with LTC rider)
Unum Indiv. Short Term Disability (Union Only)
Unum Critical Illness – Salaried
Unum Off-the-Job Accident – Union
Unum Off-the-Job Accident – Salaried
Unum Hospital Indemnity – Union
Unum Hospital Indemnity – Salary
For assistance with a Unum policy, call 1-800-635-5597
401K Plan
401(k) Highlights (Salaried, ATU 788, Call-a-Ride & IBEW)
The plan is a 401(k) plan offered to provide employees a means to save for their future. It allows employees to contribute money up to stated limits on a pretax basis. Any earnings on the funds are not subject to income tax until they are taken out of the plan, usually at retirement. It is called a 401(k) plan after Section 401(k) of the Internal Revenue Code, which authorizes this kind of tax-deferred savings plan.
The intention is to operate this plan as a participant-directed account plan under Section 404(c) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). This means that you will be responsible for your investment decisions under the plan. Neither the plan fiduciaries nor the plan sponsor is responsible for any losses incurred as a result of your investment decisions.
Any money in your account when you terminate employment may be rolled over into another qualified plan or taken as a taxable lump sum with possible tax penalties.
Note: Early withdrawal (prior to age 59 1/2) may result in possible tax penalties.
Name and Address of Administrator | Plan Administrator:
Bi-State Development 211 North Broadway, Suite 700-Mailstop 125 Benefit Section: 1-314-982-1400 ext. 3006 Fund Recordkeeper: Lincoln Financial Group (LFG) Voice Response System and Call Center: 1-800-234-3500 Fund Custodian: Wilmington Trust Click below to access the plan’s web site: |
Cost to Participant | You may make contributions into the plan, but no processing or other fees are charged for making such contributions. However, investment management fees are part of the price of mutual fund shares, and those fees are deducted from any earnings on the fund. |
Eligibility | You must be a regularly scheduled Salaried, IBEW employee of Metro, ATU 788, or employed by the Call-A-Ride Unit to participate in the plan. |
Entry Dates | You are eligible to participate in the plan immediately following your first payroll cycle. |
Employer Match | The current employer matching contribution, which is subject to change, is 50% of your Basic Contribution amount for SALARIED, IBEW and CALL-A-RIDE.
Basic Contributions (Salaried) -Your contributions to the plan, which are equal to 1%, 2%, 3%, 4% or 5% of your earnings are called your basic contributions. Basic Contributions (IBEW) -Your contributions to the plan, which are equal to 1%, 2%, 3%, 4% or 5% of your earnings are called your basic contributions. Basic Contributions (ATU 788) -Your contributions to the plan, which are equal to 1%, 2%, 3%, 4% or 5% of your earnings are called your basic contributions. Basic Contributions (Call-A-Ride) -Your contributions to the plan, which are equal to 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, 5%, or 6% of your earnings are called your basic contributions. The matching contributions are made each payroll period. |
How often you may change investments among available funds | You may allocate your contributions in any way you want among the various investment options and switch investments between available funds at anytime.
If you wish to redirect the investment of your contributions, your investment instructions are directed through Lincoln Financial Group’s (LFG) Voice Response System 1-800-234-3500, or through LFG’s web site at The change will become effective as of the close of business the day the transaction is executed through the Voice Response System or through the web site. Note: While you can change your investments daily, remember that you are investing for the long term. Frequent investment changes can negatively impact the long-term growth of your account. |
How often you may change the amount of your salary deferral | You may change the amount of your Basic and Supplemental Contributions at any time by contacting Lincoln Financial directly at 1-800-234-3500.
When completing the form you must indicate the deferral percentage that you are electing to contribute. You may suspend your contributions at any time, however, if your contribution goes to zero, you cannot participate again until January 1 of the following year. If no change in elections or suspensions occur, your contribution percentage will remain in effect from year to year. To make changes to your 401k contributions—whether it’s starting, stopping, or restarting—you’ll need to reach out to Lincoln Financial Group directly. It is important to note that these adjustments are not automatic, so proactive communication with LFG is key. |
Vesting Schedule – Employee Contributions | All of your contributions are always 100% vested (i.e., owned by you). |
Vesting Schedule – Matching Contributions | Any employer-matching contributions will be vested immediately. |
May loans be taken from the Plan? | Yes, loans may generally be made up to 50% of the most recent valuation of your vested account, up to a maximum loan of $50,000.
Participants are allowed only one (1) outstanding loan at anytime. If an employee takes out a loan, their deferral contributions do not need to cease during that time. However, if the employee chooses to suspend deferral contributions when requesting a loan, they must personally contact Lincoln Financial Group directly to restart deferrals. This process is not automatic. For more detailed information on exactly how much of a loan would be available, see: Loans |
May hardship withdrawals be made from the Plan? | Yes.
If you request a hardship withdrawal and it’s approved, your deferral contributions to the Plan will be temporarily suspended for a period of six (6) consecutive months. After the hardship suspension period, your deferral contributions will NOT automatically resume unless you choose to actively opt for it by contacting Lincoln Financial Group directly to restart contributions to the 401k plan. For more information, see: Hardship Withdrawals |
Minimum Contributions | The minimum employee pretax contribution is 1% of your earnings. |
Maximum Contributions | The current maximum employee contribution is $22,500 (or 100% of your eligible plan compensation, if less).
Your contributions will be broken into the following categories: 1. Basic Contributions (Salaried) – Those contributions from 1% – 5% of your earnings. These will be the only contributions matched by the company. 2. Basic Contributions (IBEW) -Those contributions from 1% – 5% of your earnings. These will be the only contributions matched by the company. 3. Basic Contributions (ATU 788) -Those contributions from 1% – 5% of your earnings. These will be the only contributions matched by the company. 4. Basic Contributions (Call A Ride) – Those contributions from 1% – 6% of your earnings. These will be the only contributions matched by the company. 5. Supplemental Contributions – Contributions up to 100% of your earnings as limited by the IRS as stated above. Basic Supplemental Contributions are in addition to your Basic Contributions, but Metro will make no employer matching contributions for these supplemental amounts. If you are age 50 or older or will reach age 50 by the end of the calendar year, you may make an additional pretax contribution, called a catch-up contribution. The catch-up contribution is allowed on top of the usual pretax limit. The current catch-up contribution limit is $7,500. Note: If you use something other than the calendar year when filing tax returns, you can make a catch-up contribution if you will reach age 50 by the end of your tax year. Regular contributions for highly compensated employees, as defined by the Internal Revenue Code, are subject to “nondiscrimination testing” and may have lower limits. Catch-up contributions are not ordinarily subject to this testing. |
Catch-Up Contributions | If you are age 50, or will reach age 50 before the close of the calendar year (or your tax year, if different), you may make a catch-up contribution up to the catch-Up contribution limit. You may need to make a special election to make catch-Up contributions. |
Additional 401K Information
Benefit Summary
401k Plan Distibution Options
Bi-State Fee Disclosure Notice
IRS Favorable Determination for 401K Plan
Pension Plans
ATU Operations, Maintenance and Clerical
Plan Summary
Plan Document
788 Actuarial Valuation
788 ATU Pension Plan Audit
Plan Summary
Plan Document
IBEW Actuarial Valuation
IBEW Pension Plan Audit
Salaried Pension Plan Document
Salaried Actuarial Valuation
Salaried Pension Plan Audit
Retiree Life Insurance
Standard Insurance Co. – Basic Life Salary Retiree
Standard Insurance Co. – Basic Life Hourly Retiree